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Discover the Lore and Culture Behind the Names in Redsky

Writer's picture: Tyler GambaTyler Gamba

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Check out what's included in the Redsky 5e Conversion Book here.


The characters possible to make are as vast as coins in the Gilded States.

Hi everyone! As you may have guessed, the team has been working feverishly behind the scenes to create the best foundation for the future of Redsky. Our Discord server community alone is small but mighty, and growing by the day. There are friendly mods and devs on standby to answer any questions you may have. The pace of posting on the Updates page may be a bit more spread out for the next few months, if only to make sure we deliver you the best possible experiences overall.

One often requested set of guidelines is for how to name your characters so they fit the tone and lore of one of Dema's many cultures! We hope this character naming guide helps. Be on the lookout for parts two and three of this Community Creation Kit, which will talk about creating a character or faction personality through The Elements in a handy set of tables, and guidelines for homebrewing features of the six main species like subcultures and organizations.

Now, what should your hero or villain be called? Well...

Character Naming Guide


Humans are flexible in the range of real versus fantasy names. Those born in the Light Plains often have Greco-Roman inspired first names and surnames, an example being characters from Arise named Emperor Remus and Umber Maximus. The Scintillan language is a corrupted version of Esperanto, while Mundane is American English in the current content. Other naming conventions from non Mediterranean cultures are certainly welcome, such as in Colonel Koji, or Tegin Cang. Meta-fictionally speaking, any human name could be said to have a Mundane origin rather than the eastern Daylands. While the oppressive, dystopian Solar Hegemony would likely not encourage most instances of gender-neutral language, there are thriving They/Them identifying humans in the many open-minded exile communities living free outside of The Light Plains, as well as those who have left a 'dead name' behind. Common modern names are acceptable as long as they are spelled alternatively, such as in the case of Serah, Mykal, and Benji. The names of some notable figures in Dema’s history include:

  • Meryssa Ectanian

  • Verjal Ohmeric

  • Galen Spetraeus

  • Celina, Empress of Light

  • Helena Vici

  • Emperor Sicarius I

  • Errol Arronus

  • Admiral Ahn Vanen

  • Pitar Sulla

  • Alexandyr Olandros


Nightriders are flexible in the range of real versus fantasy names. For common Nightrider character names, fantasy names featuring the “ih” “ah” and long “ay” sound are rendered with a “y”, such as Jayne Erindera or Bartra Maeryn. This “y” is very common in their Monturyn language and naming preferences, but not mandatory. Gender and sexual identity can be very fluid for some Nightriders, with the Dawnraiders being some of the most open-minded to a comrade's identity and preferences. Honorific titles for great figures can be used to substitute a first and last name, like The King of Darkness. Common modern names are acceptable as long as they are spelled alternatively. The names of some notable figures in Dema’s history include:

  • Emeryn Vardyk

  • Azrox Fonara

  • Sawsayda The Beastmaster

  • Hemica Malcon

  • The Marshal of the Dark

  • Tera Seryn

  • Ioneth, Raddox, and Vaygo Turonoc

  • Hiberca Dayn

  • Kayra Myn

  • Elektra, Stratygos of The Ten Hundred


Featherfolk have firm guidelines on their given fantasy names. A Featherfolk’s natural name is two syllables long family/surname followed by an apostrophe, followed by a space and one syllable given name. Examples would be characters from Arise like Ursa’ Guin and Filo’ Ya. Honorific titles for great figures can be used to substitute a first and last name, like The Sunfather. Common modern names are not generally acceptable except in cases like a Featherfolk being adopted into a non Usundi language culture. The names of some notable figures in Dema’s history include:

  • Agos’ Nat

  • Erba’ Di

  • Jola’ Cae

  • Nori’ Jen

  • Fala’ Das

  • Trahno' Nik

  • Poric’ Tam

  • Ursa’ Lan

  • Binas’ Vee

  • Tedgei’ Sel

  • Ultin’ Yon

  • Linwi’ Gra

  • Cewas’ Sar


Sporespawn have firm guidelines on their given fantasy names, though a common ‘pronounceable’ name is also given. Sporespawn are biologically nongendered, but may go by Mundane gender-coded monikers if they are primarily related to their occupation or deeds, such as The Everborn of Tohol being called a ‘queen’ of the hive mind. Due to the irregular physiology of many Sporespawn drones compared to other sentients, their mouths may produce sounds that cannot be easily replicated by non-Sporespawn, such as “Xotl Xzaaxjs.” Instead, a meaningful multi-word phrase in Mundane is often given, such as Holds The Dark or Old Growth. Honorific titles for great figures can be used to substitute for a name, such as The Allspawn. Common modern names are not generally acceptable except in cases like a Sporespawn being given one as a playful moniker by a human or Nightrider. The names of some notable figures in Dema’s history include:

  • Banishes Shadows

  • Finds Far Home

  • Tends The Chitin

  • Polishes Crowns

  • Large Hands

  • That One Knew

  • One For All

  • Waking Dreams

  • Voice That Carries

  • Clears the Path

  • Molds Offspring

  • Sealed The Breach


Archivists are flexible in the range of real versus fantasy names. The phonology of the Archivist Eltayan language and names resembles the Slavic family of languages in Europe, such as east slavic Russian and Ukrainian, west slavic Polish, and south slavic Croatian, Bulgarian, and Macedonian. Real names like Viktor or Ulga are just as acceptable as fantasy names like Bronof or Avan. Honorific titles for great figures can be used to substitute for a name, such as Insight, The Wolf’s Bite, or a dev favorite who simply goes by The Archivist. The names of some notable figures in Dema’s history include:

  • Dekna Wigeny

  • Ilya Morov

  • Avan Viradi

  • Vladac Zdrosa

  • Niri Provac

  • Avas Torpan

  • Zasha Vigon

  • Shiran Imyaliv

  • Madic Arraz

  • Miknal Blishin

  • Hescel Rosci


Wakewalkers are semi-flexible in the range of real versus fantasy names. A relatively uncommon but notable influence on Wakewalker first names is ancient Greek, such as in the case of High King Odiseas (“Oh-deh-sees”). In most cases, however, given names and clan names are fantasy constructions that favor the “k” and “g” sounds common to their language Kahr-Khottan, such as Underclan Varkoth. Honorific titles or titles related to a deed or occupation are often attached to Wakewalker names like Gekna Bone Scriver.

Additionally, for Clan Kahr and affiliate underclans that hunt Deep Ones, a young Wakewalker does not earn their true ‘adult’ name until completing their first Wild Hunt. Until then, they are considered Isle Imps, and either go nameless, by pet monikers like “Boy” or “The Child Of…”, or a temporary name taken from a family member or heroic figure they aspire to grow as strong as. There is relatively little biological difference between young male and female Wakewalkers, with a spectrum of sex and gender characteristics developing at maturity. Should an adolescent Wakewalker who has previously completed the Wild Hunt later identify differently than how they present outwardly to their peers, the option to pick a meaningful new name simply needs to be cleared with the clan’s shaman for proper oral recordkeeping. The names of some notable figures in Dema’s history include:

  • Chieftain Anakros

  • Veksanios

  • Okara

  • Merguk

  • Garva

  • Skefor

  • Prevag The Cunning

  • Hachek

  • Banakseus

  • Bhar of the Thunder

  • Evisana Windcrier

  • Grevak and Tyreena Kahr

Again, if you have any feedback or questions about a character you'd like to homebrew, feel free to reach out! Seeing characters brought to life in community art and short stories has been surreal in the best way. We appreciate every person trying to help Dema thrive, and encourage you to think about ways to hop aboard our group journey!


In the coming days, there's going to be a lot of exciting stuff going on

(including play-test sessions!) over on the Official Redsky Discord!


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